Dear Members,
Be part of the activities taking place at the Club, from corporate golf days, fundraisers, business meetings and music nights in the bar. Therefore we continue to invite the business community and other organizations to hold their functions at the Club. We are also inviting sponsors to show case their products during our Wednesday and Saturday Club competitions and enjoy the whole day of advertising.

Many thanks to one of our sponsors Aurex Pvt (Ltd) for sponsoring our Wednesday and Saturday club competitions. For more information on how you can become a sponsor, you are welcome to email our marketing team on

02 March Nissan Clover Leaf Motors 05 March CBZ Holdings
09 March Please sponsor this day 12 March Please sponsor this day
16 March Golden Peacock Hotel 19 March Please sponsor this day
23 March Please sponsor this day 26 March Please sponsor this day
30 March Speedlink Cargo

Club News

February being the month of love, Chapman ladies section hosted a successful mixed golf fundraising tournament on the 13th of february in celebration of Valentine’s day. The day was filled with lots of fun and activites which included a raffle draw, cake sales among others whilst the club house was filled with sweet music from the Disco guys. A big applause to Mrs Brandt and her team for organising such a wonderful day.

Valentine’s Day mixed golf registration desk was all in red.

On the 27th of February, we are going to host another live music night; the first one was a nice experience having live music while enjoying ice cold beers and drinks in the Main Bar. For those who missed the performance, make sure you keep checking our website and facebook page (details at the bottom of this Issue) for more information about activities taking place at the club.

New Members

We are very grateful that more new members are joining the club every month and obviously our members are instrumental in recruiting them, thank you for your work behind the scenes, which is a great sign of a better future for the club. Below are the new members who recently joined us.

Simbarashe Mutandwa Stephen Doma Samuel Vusumuzi Sifelani
Godknows Madanyaya Christopher Moscrop Jan Gunnar Olsson
Gunilla Selerud Olsson Nqobile Magwizi Vincent Fenga
Tawanda Bwakura Ngonidzashe Chawota Edmore Magwaza
Victor Chiambiro Hudson Gutsa Brian Ngwendere
James Hove Charles Kathemba Desmond Takawira
Cleopas Chiketa Emmanuel Mukwara Obey Chimuka
Gladmore Mutoko Keith Appel Bigman Zvavandanga
Max Muchengi Hamandishe Nhiwatiwa Joseph Deyse
William Satade Brian Choto


We open at 7am daily. Enjoy the cool weather in the mornings whilst The Range will be less busy. Get in an hour’s practise before work!

On Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday we have our floodlights on and close at 8pm so no excuses that it’s too hot to practice. Cold refreshments are available from Range office.

Holiday Junior Clinic dates:

  • Mon 28th March to Friday 1st April.
  • 9am to 11am.
  •  $5/player.
  • All welcome.
  •  No need to book.

For more details call The Range office on 0775464666.


  • Col-Johnson 3rd round will be played on the 26th of March.
  • Bain Cup 2nd round will be played on the 5th March.
  • Please advise Golf Admin if you will not be available to play on the scheduled day.


The winners are:
Championship Division
Winner: G Scott h/c 6 nett 74

Division B 7-12
Runner Up: Charles John h/c 8 nett 73
Winner : A Toronga h/c 12 nett 67

Division C 13-18
Runner Up: F Macheka h/c 15 nett 77
Winner: Chips DeOlivera h/c 18 net 76

Division D 19-24
Runner Up: W Mushure h/c 19 nett 70
Winner: D Komola h/c 19 nett 69



The A League team had a drew 3 ALL with Wingate
B League was on Bye

March Fixtures

A League @Ruwa vs. Country Club (All our ’A’ team players know what this match means to us)
B League @Royal vs. Wingate

Both matches will be played on the 20th of March 2016.


  • Subscription payments for January to March plus your 2016 ZGA /HPGU affiliation fees are now due, kindly pay now and avoid the embarrassment of a blocked swipe card and failing to access your handicap. Your cooperation to this important message will be greatly appreciated.
  • Members are advised to rent a locker for safe keeping of your belongings at the club. Rental fees are only $40 for the whole year, daily rental are $2, please safeguard you valuables and for those who own lockers renew your rental fees. Contact Patience at the Front Office for more details if you require a locker. Please note lockers are club property for rental.
  • Members are urged to update their email addresses in order to receive important club updates. We have reserved one telephone number 04 747969 for members incoming calls only and cell phone numbers 078 4014414 for accounts office and for the reception 0718 194 081.
  • Kindly note that Chapman Golf Club Annual General Meeting will be held on the 29th of March in the Functions Room at 1700 hrs. Please note only Full Members and Life Members in good standing are eligible/qualify to vote at the AGM. (So if you are not paid up in yours subs you are not in good standing.)
  • To keep up with what’s happening at the club, like our Facebook page ( and also check on our website (
  • To make this newsletter more interesting, we will be having a member’s column where you can share short stories and jokes. You can send them on our email (

Compiled by:
Privilage Mashingaidze
Sales & Marketing